Ernest Henry Jackson


Ernest Henry Jackson


First World War

Date of Death / Age


Rank, Service Number & Service Details

Bedfordshire Regiment
1st Bn.

Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards

Not Yet Researched

Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country

Pier and Face 2 C.

Headstone Inscription


UK & Other Memorials

Hertford Town Memorial Christchurch Plaque, now in Holy Trinity Church, Bengeo Not on the Baldock memorials

Pre War

Born in 1894, in Hertford, to parents Ernest and Elizabeth Jackson of 13 Nelson Street, Port Vale, Hertford, he was one of six, and in 10-1 and 1911 they lived in High Street, Buntingford. His father was a butcher with his own account, working at home and Ernest was also a butcher presumably working for his father. At the time of his death Ernest was resident in Baldock but his parents were living at 13 Nelson Street, Port Vale, Hertford.

He enlisted in Bedford and was recorded as living in Baldock.

Wartime Service

Enlisted in Bedford. His battalion went to France on 16th August 1914 as part of the B.E.F and fought in the early engagements of the war at Mons and Le Cateau. They moved to the Ypres salient early in 1915 taking part in the 2nd Battle of Ypres, defending Hill 60. After spells holding trenches at Arras and on the Somme, they took part in the 1916 Somme campaign. On the 4th September they were due to attack Falfemont Farm, a German strong point, which had been the object of an attack the previous day, which had been repulsed, they moved off at about 18.15hrs and they managed to take the objective in the early hours of the morning despite heavy casualties, one of whom was Ernest.

Additional Information

After Ernest's death his parent were recorded as living at 13, Nelson St., Port Vale, Hertford, Herts.


Malcolm Lennox, Terry & Glenis Collins, Adrian Pitts, Paul Johnson