Clement S Brereton


Clement S Brereton


First World War

Date of Death / Age

Rank, Service Number & Service Details

Awards: Service Medals/Honour Awards

Cemetery/Memorial: Name/Reference/Country

Headstone Inscription

Not Researched

UK & Other Memorials


The Parish Magazine of October 1915 records Clement, who was serving as a Second Lieutenant in the Hawke Battalion, as ‘indirectly connected to Pirton’.  Michael Newbery suggests that Clement was related to the Rev. Erskine William Langmore’s housekeeper, Miss Brereton.  It seems that she may have been his wife’s sister which would mean that Clement was also related to his wife, Alice (née Brereton), probably her nephew, but it is not yet clear what Clement’s relationship to her sister (the housekeeper) was, son or nephew?

Although the Hawke Battalion was part of a Royal Naval Division, at the start of the war there were too many naval reservists for the ships available, so they were formed into land fighting divisions.  It is likely that Clement fought in some of the battles on the Western Front.


Text from the book ‘The Pride of Pirton’ by Jonty Wild, Tony French & Chris Ryan used with author's permission